Our CrossFit classes include a full hour of high quality instruction from our coaches. Each one hour workout includes a warm up, core/skill work, strength work, and conditioning. Our goal is to use our time together as efficiently as possible. We will work together to improve your fitness and health.
CrossFit is a fitness program that produces measurable outcomes through lifestyle changes, centered on training and nutrition. Workouts consist of constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements, and are most fun and effective among friends at a local CrossFit gym.
We welcome all ages and experience levels to our gym. Every workout can be modified to your individual needs to maximize your fitness and keep you safe. You'll have so much fun in our classes that you'll find yourself looking forward to the next workout, rather than dreading it.

4:55 AM | Monday-Friday
6:00 AM | Monday-Friday
7:30 AM | Mon, Tues, Thurs
9:00 AM | Friday Only
12 Noon | Monday-Friday
4:30 PM | Monday-Friday
5:35 PM | Monday-Thursday
6:40 PM | Monday and Wednesday
8:00 AM | Saturday
9:05 AM | Saturday
Month by Month Payment
No Commitments
No Sign Up Fee
2x Week - $135
3x Week - $165
Unlimited - $190

Visiting from another CrossFit gym?
Fill out the drop-in form below.
Drop in rate: $20